“Joe holds America’s Army in high special regard, and his support as our spokesperson will go a long way in building this awareness. We could not be more grateful.”
-COL Dave Fabian (USA Ret.), Director of Communications, The Army Historical Foundation
As the national spokesperson for the campaign to build the National Museum of the United States Army, Joe is proud to rally Americans in support of a future American landmark that will tell the stories of the 30 million men and women who have worn the Army uniform since 1775. Inspired by members of his own military family, Joe takes great pride in preserving and educating the public about the storied history of America’s largest and oldest military service.
The National Army Museum will be built at Fort Belvoir, Va., just south of Washington, D.C. The state-of-the-art, 185,000 square-foot facility, will be the nation’s first museum to represent all fourteen generations of American Soldiers. The Soldiers’ Stories Gallery will tell Army history through the personal accounts of real Soldiers who served during various periods since the Army’s establishment. The Fighting for the Nation Gallery will relay the Army’s remarkable stories of triumph and sacrifice from the first shots of the Revolutionary War and difficult years of the Civil War, to the overseas service of the last century and today’s Global War on Terrorism. The Army and Society Gallery, a gallery unlike any in the other services’ museums, will depict the interaction between the country’s Army and its citizens, including the Army’s humanitarian efforts, the ever increasing diversity of the force, and the efforts of the American people to show their Soldiers support. View some of the Museum’s conceptual renderings to get a sense of what the Museum will look like once it comes to life.
It is unfortunate that a Museum dedicated to our Army does not already exist. We have erected many tributes to our service members and have built a national museum for each of the other military services, but no museum exists to tell the complete history of the U.S. Army. We owe so much to our Soldiers – from winning our nation’s freedom, to stopping the expansion of violent regimes abroad, to serving and sacrificing in combat zones where the lines of battle are never drawn. The time for us to build this tribute is long overdue.
Please join Joe in supporting this important national project!
Help get the word out. Follow the Museum on Twitter http://twitter.com/natlarmymuseum and become a fan on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/NatlArmyMuseum Let your family and friends know you are a supporter and encourage them to become a part of this project. You can also become an official volunteer, helping promote the Museum in your community.
Ensure every Soldier, past and present, is a part of this Museum. The Registry of the American Soldier is an online, searchable database open to everyone who has ever served in the U.S. Army. Once constructed, the Museum’s Veterans’ Hall will feature an interactive display of the Registry, where people can look up their own service profiles, or the profiles of a loved one, battle buddy, or old friend. Enter your own record of service today, or the record of an Army veteran you know. It is free, and there is no limit on the number of Army veterans you can enter. Joe has already entered the record of an Army veteran he admires – his Uncle Willie. Check out his profile!
Make this Museum a reality. At the direction of the Secretary of the Army, The Army Historical Foundation is raising the necessary funds to construct this Museum. They need our help. The Foundation has designed special ways for individuals, corporations, foundations, veterans’ organizations and community groups to all get involved. One such opportunity is the Veterans’ Hall, a multi-purpose space within the Museum dedicated to Army veterans. Veterans’ organizations and other groups can support the Museum by sponsoring the Veterans’ Hall. Among the benefits for each level of giving, sponsors will forever have their names listed on the Hall’s Donors Wall.
“It’s a privilege and an honor to be chosen as the spokesperson for the National Museum of the United States Army. I look forward to doing all I can to ensure that this invaluable part of our nation’s military force gets the long-overdue national depository for all that has made up its great history.”
- Joe Mantegna, National Spokesperson for the National Museum of the United States Army